Getting ready for School

Starting school can be an anxious time for any child or family, no matter how confident a child is. Transitioning from the familiar routines of home and childcare centres to the school routine can be a big change for all. This is why, at Kensington Castle, we work to prepare children and families for this next step and achieve a smooth and happy transition to formal schooling.

As your child approaches this transition, our preschool curriculum will provide an increasing focus on literacy, numeracy and self-care, together with a combination of specific play based and teacher led activities such as school dress ups and role play, older siblings coming to talk about school, and visits to and discussions about school.

Preparation for school, however, is much more than this. Children’s social competence is at the core of their readiness for school. Social skills such as sharing, taking turns and playing well with other children are essential in assisting both children’s initial transition and their long term success at school.  These must be supported by skills such as being able to problem solve, follow instructions, co-operate and concentrate. Responsive, positive relationships between children and their carers are also crucial in building children’s self-esteem and resilience to cope in the school environment.

Every part of our day involves your child being exposed to a variety of school readiness learning experiences. Experiences from drawing, to counting, to physical activities, looking at books, learning how to hold a pencil, how to answer questions, think independently, manipulate equipment, measure and weigh, cut, feed and toilet all assist in developing foundation school skills.

As the time for school approaches, we support you in making the decision of when your child is ready by providing information nights and individual feedback to ensure you have the essential knowledge to ensure a positive outcome for your child.